Scor-Tape fra Scor-Pal.
Dette er premium dobbeltsidig tape, den beste på markedet! Sitter svært godt og er varmebestandig og syrefri. Tapen er lett å jobbe med siden beskyttelsespapiret er lett å rive og enkelt lar seg fjerne. Anbefales til all type scrapping og særlig alt som skal sitte godt, som minialbum, bokser og interaktive kort.
Bredde 1'' (ca 2,5 cm), lengde 25 meter.
Produsentens beskrivelse:
This is the 1" version of our Scor-Tape. Each roll contains 27 yards of premium, double-sided adhesive tape that is incredibly sticky, heat resistant and acid free.
Unlike other tapes, Scor-Tape is paper backed which means you can tear it with your thumb & finger. No need for scissors or blade. Being paper, the backing is eco-friendly. Please note that the product images above may not appear the proper width but this item is the 1" version.

Scor-Pal Products offers premium, quality made products which are essential tools for serious papercrafters, particularly card makers. We also carry our "Scor-Tape" line of adhesive tape which is widely touted as the best on the market, with its exceptional holding power and ease of use.