Får du også flashbacks til ungdomstida av vennelenke-settet fra Concord & 9th!?
Settet inneholder dies og stempler til to ulike typer vennelenker! Lag perlelenker med ord eller navnet til mottakeren eller lag knytede vennelenker med diecuts i allverdens farger!
Die-settet stanser ut alle delene du trenger til å sette sammen vennelenkene; perler, ulike tråder, endestykker og lenkedeler. Stempelsettet inneholder 15 stempler med bokstaver, tall og supplerende vennetekster. Mål ca. 10 x 10 cm (4" x 4").
Stay connected to all your best buds with the Best Friend Vibes Dies! This set creates two types of friendship bracelets, providing hours of fun for crafters of any age! Piece together beaded bracelets with names, phrases and other messages, tailored to fit the occasion and recipient, or make something with a more intricate, woven design in all kinds of colors.
The alphabet in the coordinating Best Friend Vibes Stamp Set can be cut out with the two large bead dies to quickly create a letter library, and there are base pieces for each type of bracelet to make for easy assembly. 15 pieces.

We are Greg and Angie, two people with a passion for crafting, design & product development. Our paths crossed in 2010, a great working relationship ensued, and five years later Concord & 9th was born. Together, we hope to inspire your creative side, and provide exciting, high-quality, and innovative products.
Many people have asked what "Concord & 9th" means. It's simple really. It's a hybrid of our crossroads. Greg lives on Concord and Angie lives off 9th. We love the idea of creativity coming together, not only for us, but also with all of you!
"Concord & 9th, where creativity meets!"
All the fun meaning aside, it also just sounds like a fun place to visit! As we continue down this road, we look forward to seeing who else will cross paths with us at Concord & 9th.
Follow us on social media for inspiring projects, product updates and how-to videos. When you use our products, be sure to include #concordand9th so we can be inspired by you too!